March of Dimes Prematurity Awareness Day

March of Dimes Prematurity Awareness Day

Premature birth and its complications are the largest contributors to infant death in the U.S. and globally. The March of Dimes has stepped up to raise awareness for prematurity, and as members of Key Club, the world’s largest youth-led service organization, you can too! World Prematurity Day is coming up on November 17th, so here are a few ways you can take action and make a difference in the lives of moms and babies around the world. 

  1. Make a donation to the March of Dimes! It’s tax-deductible donation and will help support life saving research and community programs. Also, if you donate on November 17th, your gift will be tripled, so be sure to consider that!

  2. Light it purple! Wear purple, the color of prematurity awareness, on November 17th to promote World Prematurity Day!

  3. Change your social media profile pictures to one of the pictures of the prematurity campaign and/or tag @marchofdimes and use #PrematurityAwarenessMonth and #WorldPrematurityDay in any social media posts revolving around prematurity awareness! By getting involved in this effort, you can join the fight to make the future brighter for us all :))

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