Distinguished Officer Requirements

Distinguished Officer Requirements

As an officer, one may obtain a distinguished award for their work throughout the year. Just as there are often 6 officer positions, there are 6 distinguished club officer awards, one for each position. The awards are based on a point system in which one must earn 1100 of the 1375 points. The points are awarded for things such as annual event attendance, paid dues, kiwanis involvement, club progress, and annual reporting. Of course, you get points for your specific jobs and personal service hours. All these points may be added up and compiled in a binder along with proof for each category. The guidelines are outlined on the minndakkeyclub.org website. For each officers, please look at your specific duties and strive for this award! In the long run, it is easily attainable and very much worth it. A great add on to the resume ; ))

March of Dimes Prematurity Awareness Day

March of Dimes Prematurity Awareness Day

Officer Training

Officer Training