Membership Recruitment

Membership Recruitment

As we all know Key Club is a very strong and fast growing organization and we want to try our hardest to keep it that way. We are always looking for ways to attract new members so I have done a bit of research and have come up with a couple of ways that we could recruit new members all year long!

First of all, we should think back to the reasons WE decided to join and build from that. For example, the reason I decided to join was because of all the amazing benefits.You get to meet new people, build new friendships, help your community and so much more! These reasons alone could help recruit more people. An important thing to keep in mind is the audience we are targeting and their interests. For the most part we are looking to recruit high school students and a good way to attract a younger audience is by visualization. For example:

  • Make posters and hang them in areas where students hang around in the most
  • Make a daily announcement on your high school tv channel
  • Have your school’s newspaper right an article about Key Club

At times throughout the year you might find how difficult it is to recruit members due to how busy high school kids are. Nonetheless it should still be a priority trying to recruit people. So an idea for this time of year when kids are busy, is to in a way persuade them. It is no secret that high school kids love food, so a fun way to recruit people might be to have meetings that have food.

  • Have a donut day
  • Mini food contest
  • Bring cookies
  • Have goodie bags
  • Have fun games that will help members interact

I know bringing food to meetings might not always be able to happen due to how costly it can be, but it is a fun and effective way to bring people to meetings. Keep in mind it doesn't always have to happen, once in awhile should be fine.

More ways to recruit people:

  • Have current members bring a friend to a meeting
  • Have a club day, where members of a club or the officers go out and talk to all the classrooms and promote Key Club.
  • Have members make booklets and hand them out at lunch or in the hallway
  • Make bookmarks and place them in the library
  • Have a booth and place them at school events
  • Have a shirt day, where all members of your club wear the same shirt promoting your club
  • Write your club's next meeting information on the whiteboard of your classrooms (if allowed)
  • Promote Key Club at school events
  • Have free refreshments
  • Make/buy merch for your club that students can buy

Promoting Key Club is very important and I hope the ideas I have listed in this article help with recruiting members to your club!


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Thirst Project